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Fly Light Placement Information

Fly Light Placement Information

Selection and placement of Insect Light Traps

Insect Light Traps (ILT’s) are an important non-insecticidal method to control flying insects. ILT’s attract flying insects by using Ultra-Violet light. Flying insects are drawn by the U.V. light and are either trapped on adhesive glue panels or electrocuted on an electrified grid. ILT’s work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ILT’s catch a variety of flying insects including house flies, bottle flies, yellow jackets, moths and beetles that contaminate food, affect our health, and are irritating. ILT’s are the best continuous tool for flying insect control, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Exterior: Identify the outside entry points. Place traps inside these areas to intercept flying insects as they enter a building.

• Employee entrances
• Visitor entrances
• Truck dock doors
• Garbage exit doors

Interior: Identify the most sensitive interior areas of the building where insects are unacceptable.

• Hospital surgery
• Emergency medical areas
• Pharmaceutical
• Food processing and packaging
• Commercial kitchens
• Dining rooms
• Bakeries
• Deli’s
• Grocery stores
• Barns and stables
• Kennels
• Offices


  1. Use in areas of high fly activity inside doorways and docks. Flies are attracted indoors by food odors, warm air and light coming from doorways, windows, roof vents and other openings in buildings.
  2. Place traps 5 to 15 feet inside a doorway or dock opening. Gusts of wind and breezes push small insects inside rooms.
  3. You should aim the U.V. light into the building so that it cannot be seen from outside. We do not want to attract flying insects inside the building because they can see an Insect Light Trap. This is a simple mistake to avoid.
  4. Space light traps 25 to 50 feet apart on the inside of exterior wall lines. The number of lights used will vary based on (a) insect pressure, (b) desired control level, and (c) viewability of light traps into all areas or hallways. Traps only work if they can be seen.
  5. Wall placement of light traps is preferred. Traps located 3 to 6 feet above the floor are closer to where filth flies spend most of their time feeding and laying eggs.
  6. Ceiling hung positioning for light traps is often the choice in dock areas. The heavy shipping and receiving traffic can damage wall areas and wall mount equipment, therefore ceiling locations are chosen to avoid accidental damage or when there are no lower positions to install light traps.
  7. Insect Ultra-Violet (U.V.) bulbs need to be changed each spring. March/April is the time to mark on your calendar to change bulbs. Southern regions, where temperatures allow year around flying insect activity, require twice yearly bulb replacement. Mark your calendar to change bulbs in spring and fall in the southern United States.

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