Registration: Not registered in PR.
Not Shipped to California
ADVANCE 375 Select Granular Ant Bait

Available in a 8oz. Jar or Economical 2 LB Jug
Ants and many common varieties of ants such as Argentine, Bigheaded, Crazy, Field, Fire, Little Black, Pavement, Pharaoh, Odorous, House and Thief Ants.
Ants love Advance they eat it and take it back to their colony, wiping out the ants at home as well as the foragers.
Broadcast (0.4 oz./1,000 sq. ft.); perimeter (1-2 ft. wide band); colony or mound (1.5-2.1 oz. and repeat as necessary); visible trails (0.3-1.0 oz. and repeat as necessary)
Void or Crack & Crevice treatments (up to 1.5 oz. per application site)
Active Ingredient: 0.011% Abamectin B1
Insecticide Class: Avermectin
Registration: Not registered in PR.
Not Shipped to California