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Bio Mop 1 gallon Jug

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American Bio-Systems
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 Product Description

Bio Mop 1 gallon Jug


  • One-step procedure for general floor cleaning and removal of organic material from hard-to-access corners, cracks and crevices.

    Restaurants and other food preparation facilities often experience sanitation problems associated with the buildup of kitchen grease (organic waste) on floors, in drains, and under heavy equipment. These problems include fruit and drain fly infestations, slippery floor surfaces, foul odors, and clogged (slow) drains. Mopping with standard floor cleaning products, or hosing or power washing with water only, does not remove grease and organic waste, it only breaks it up pushing it into drains and under equipment where it accumulates.

    New formula BioMop is a state-of-the-art floor cleaner combined with a highly concentrated biological degrader. The biological component consists of Bacillus-family microorganisms including MGD (Microbial Grease Degrader) a patent pending strain that breaks down long chain fatty acids, the primary component of problem grease deposits. BioMop quickly penetrates porous floor surfaces and digests grease that accumulates over time. It also inhibits foul odors caused by rancid or anaerobic environments. BioMop cleans the floor and removes organic waste all in one step.

    BioMop can be applied by mopping or hosing. For mopping add 2 oz. to 1 gallon water and mop in the usual manner (treat drains by pouring the unused mop water into each drain).

  • Helps Prevent and control Fruit flies, Drain flies, Cockroaches, Etc.

  • Safe for all washable floor surfaces

  • Can be sprayed onto hard-to-access sites

  • Removes organic material from drain lines and drain areas

  • Safe for all types of plumbing

  • Biodegradable, non-toxic, non-pathogenic, and non-caustic

        Available in 1 gallon Jugs (128 Fluid ounces)(3.79L)


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