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Termidor SC 20 oz

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Not for public sale to: CA, CT, MA, MN, NY, OR & WA

 Product Description

 Does not ship to California


One 20oz bottle of Termidor SC Makes 24 Gallons of finished material at the 0.06% label treatment rate. Apply around foundation at 4 gallons per 10 linear ft. by trenching or drill holes through concrete slabs.

Termidor SC concentrate is for the control of termites, including subterranean, formosan, drywood termites, and several varieties of ants including carpenter ants, argentine ants, pavement ants, big-headed ants, and odorous house ants. Termidor is one of the most powerful and effective insecticides on the market today. Termidor can eliminate your termite problem in three months or less. Termidor is great for ant control, especially carpenter ants. Read the label carefully before use.
Follow label instructions.

Kills Termites in 3 months or less.

Controls ants on the outside of your home. It is important to control Ants outside to prevent them from coming inside.

Termidor SC is for Outdoor Use Only!
Termidor is not labeled for Indoor Use!

Do not treat around or close to a Well!  You must follow label directions to the letter when using Termidor or any pest control product.

Not for public sale in California, Conneticut, Massachutes, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Washington
Only sold to licensed applicators in Maryland or the Disctrict of Columbia

pdf-icon.jpg  READ THE LABEL.PDF   pdf-icon.jpg  MSDS.PDF

New Expanded Exterior Use Label for the following States Only! 

Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky,  Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,Virginia,  West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.   

Expanded Label for the control of the following pests: 
(Exterior Use Only)

Beetles (Asian lady, darkling); bugs (box-elder, pill); centipedes; cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, smokey brown); crickets, house; earwigs, European; flies, cluster; millipedes; silverfish; spiders (black widow, brown recluse, cellar, hobo); ticks, brown dog; wasps, paper*; yellow jackets.



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